The Ultimate Connection I.D. in J.C. (Jesus Christ)
The Ultimate Connection          I.D. in J.C. (Jesus Christ) 

Funny Fiascos From Younger Years


 A victim of mistaken identity????


I’m a native Floridian accused of originating from Alabama, North Carolina, Georgia, or Texas.


Possible baby switch victim- The valid accusers- My three older sisters. Perhaps the real baby switch at the same hospital 3 years after I was born inspired them. Yep, how could a thing like that happen in little ole Wauchula, Florida?


What a “doll”! As the youngest of the family, it is a wonder that I survived my childhood. My sisters fought over who would get to play “house” with the real baby.



Remembering Ranch life as a youngster… never a dull moment… adventures always await…


Raisin’ babies at an early age… of the animal variety that is. Bottle-feeding whitetail deer, helping deliver pot belly pigs, snuggling wallabies in a “pouch”, gently holding hedgehogs, training and taming steers for the fair.


Bonanza Bunch- Roundin’ up and workin’ cows; my dad, sisters, me, and the ranch hand on horseback and mom in the ole red truck… got the music in your head yet… can’t say Hoss or Little Jo was ever any help.


Best big bird barrier ever? A broom! It’s sure enough, the perfect weapon for fending off a pen full of hungry emus and rheas pecking and fighting over the food you’re trying to deliver.


Weapon of choice when face to face with a spitting moody male llama named Jibber? A water hose! Here’s a tip. Soak him BEFORE he has a chance to regurgitate!


FYI when doing grove work that requires crawling under big shady orange trees, keep a close watch of what’s wrapped around the tree. Snakes sure can look like a rope! Our big ole Indy friend (not of the Jones variety) loved to show up in odd places around the ranch to give me a good scare. Yep, Indy-I--go the other way right now!


Did you know wasps like to play defense in kickball? Yep, jumpin’ over “de-fence” with a wasp nest under it can mean multiple stings in unmentionable places!


When fishing at a pond in a cow pasture don’t get distracted pulling in a big bass and forget about the bull hole behind you- or you might go hungry.


Ahhh! Here’s a great stress relief technique- ranch style. Forget the spa, get a free mud and cow patty bath while mud-slingin' on the four-wheeler. Who knew it could be so stinkin’ fun! 


I hope these have at least brought a smile to your face, if not laughter. I’m thankful to have more wonderful and (funny) childhood memories than bad. I know my past experiences, whether mountains or valleys have had an impact on my identity and I believe remembering the past encourages me to seek God’s face in the present.


Isaiah 46:9 – Remember the former things of long ago; I am God, and there is no other; I am God, there is none like me.












So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him,  rooted and built up in him and established in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness. 

Colossians 2:6-7

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Darla Fewox Bell
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