The Ultimate Connection I.D. in J.C. (Jesus Christ)
The Ultimate Connection          I.D. in J.C. (Jesus Christ) 


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This is one of many of her books that have had an impact on the growth of my spiritual walk with The Lord.




This book helped me understand that my true identity is only found in Christ and helped me identify false beliefs that were preventing me from getting over my depression and having a deeper relationship with Jesus.

The books in the Power of a Praying Series (there are more than what's shown) have helped me so much in my prayer life! Not because there are only certain words you can say when you pray, but it provides a framework for how I ought to pray. Shows me how to pour my heart out to God, praising Him, using Scripture, giving the details of my concerns and my desires to the Lord, not because He doesn't know them, but because I need that time with Him to get it off my chest and be honest with Him . I read the Scriptures and prayers out loud as I do spiritual warfare so that Satan can hear me praying in Jesus' Name! I love that when I'm burdened about something specific in my loved one's lives, I can go to the table of contents and find the topic to the pages of the list of Scriptures, and a detailed prayer related to the current situation. Then I use my Bible and study them.

This is a unique book that truly helps you examine where you are with The Lord. It is an eye opening experience in how you should see yourself in the light of God's forgiveness and grace. I love the visuals and descriptions that the author gives in her diagrams which brought me to a better understanding and will help me better share with others. This book brought me many tears of humility and a chance to catch a fresh, deeper, and clearer meaning of finding my identity in Christ and living out the hope, freedom, and restoration that can only be found in Him.


Dr. David Jeremiah's books like this one and Agents of the Apocalpyse has certainly helped me to get a clearer picture, based on the Bible, of what is going on now and what will come to pass in the future.


I don't have much time to read for enjoyment, but I absolutely love Dani Pettrey's novels. I love her characters and their adventures in finding and growing their relationship with The Lord. I find their conflicts both realistic and relevant. I loved the settings in the Alaska series. The crime and suspense keep me on the edge and I love how she let's us into the mind of the criminals. Of                                                           course, I can't forget the touching romances! 


So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him,  rooted and built up in him and established in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness. 

Colossians 2:6-7

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Darla Fewox Bell
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